Friday, June 18, 2010

Eclipse Clip - "You'll Always be my Bella"

I can't wait for this movie! This recently released clip makes me tingly all over! Edward...Yum!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wanna Review Eclipse the Novel Before the Movie?

Then join our Facebook fan page! Go to this link: ECLIPSE GROUP REREAD. If you will "LIKE" the page or subscribe to the page's "Notes" you can receive instant update for each chapter I post. I also have discussion questions at the end of each post I would like your input on, and would appreciate your feedback. You don't have to actually reread each chapter. We just want you discussing your opinions about the book! This also gives us something to do before the big premiere on June 30th! So join our page and DISCUSS burning questions about your favorite (or at least it's my favorite) book in the Twilight Saga! Here is a sample of some of our recent "discussions" over Chapter 1 & 2 of the novel:
Chapter 1 & 2 Discussion Questions
1. Did you like Jacob before New Moon? Did your feelings for him change after the movie?

2. Were you ever "boyfriend obsessed" like Bella? I know you probably didn't have a bf that had a "face any male model would sale his soul" for, but did you at least obsessively spend too much time with your guy/gal?

Friday, June 11, 2010

AWESOME Eclipse Clip Mash Up!

This video compiles most of the Eclipse clips (say that five times!), and it is GREAT! I hadn't seen a few of these, so it's quite a treat for those of us hungering for June 30th to hurry up and get here! I think this movie will ROCK! Go to this website to see a high-quality version of the video below:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fan of 'The Hunger Games'? Check Out More of Our Fan T-Shirts!

It's no secret that I'm a HUGE, GINORMOUS fan of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I teach it, I dress like Katniss in my spare time, and I've personally converted many, many 8th graders to the dark side! I LOVE THIS BOOK, and I hope my students continue to spread the word...I think the popularity of this book is definitely 'Catching Fire'...har, har, har! Instead of a final exam over The Hunger Games, my students were required to design a fan t-shirt based on their favorite characters, scenes, or memorable quotes from the novel. I was blown away by the variety and quality of the designs. My room will probably be forever covered in fabric paint, but it was well-worth the mess. The students wore their t-shirt on our field trip to Barnes & Noble, where they participated in a scavenger hunt that the winner won a copy of Catching Fire, the second book in Suzanne Collins's series. I'm planning on hosting a Mockingjay party on August 24th at Barnes & Noble. I hope to have tons of freshman returning to B&N to purchase the third book...let's hope they aren't "too cool" by August 24th for their 8th grade Reading teacher! ;)
This young man is CONVINCED that Megan Fox should play the part of Katniss. Ugh.
I love this kid. When a gal doesn't mind having the word "pus" on her shirt, you know she's a keeper!

A Peeta fan, apparently!

Simple, but cool shirts!

"Loverboy" is Peeta...I thought that was clever and cute! "Cinna Told Me to Wear This Shirt" was more than likely 'borrowed' from another fan t-shirt site. do I explain this set of shirts? I can't. They were made by 8TH GRADE BOYS. Does that help at all??? LOL!

'The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner' by Stephenie Meyer

I wasn't expecting fantastic revelations while reading 'The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner', the recently released novella by Stephenie Meyer. Like my fellow Twitarded bloggers, Bree Tanner is the very LAST character I would think of when it comes to wanting to know more about my Twilight friends. I felt the same way as I was reading 'TSSLBT'. Why do I care about Bree? Shoot, if anyone had to tell the story, why not tell it from Riley's perspective and give us a bit more of the seedy relationship he had going on with the red-headed vixen, Victoria? Bree's undeveloped relationship with Diego was somewhat boring, and the story didn't really give me much more than I already knew.

However, what it DID give me, is some hope that Stephenie is working on continuing the Twilight Saga as I type this review. Freaky Fred is coming back. Let's just hope that it's not an entire "spin-off" series involving JUST Freaky Fred. Although Fred is pretty Freaky (and has the gift of repulsiveness?), I'm afraid that Stephenie would be missing what her entire fan base craves, and it's not more about Bree, Riley, Freaky Fred, or an entire series about Mike and Jessica or some other character I could give a hoot about. Let Freaky Fred be a friend of the Cullens and maybe be a "manny" for Reneseme. I don't care what you do with Freaky Fred, Steph, but PLEASE DON'T GIVE US AN ENTIRE NOVELLA ABOUT A VAMPIRE I'M NOT INVESTED IN. I would, however, read an entire series about Jake and Reneseme, even though just reading the name "Reneseme" makes me wanna hurl. The fact that Taylor Lautner has replaced the annoying, unattractive Jacob I initially imagined, I'm all for a series about Mr. Abs. So what did you think about 'The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner'? Where you disappointed Danny, D.J., Stephanie and Michelle didn't make an appearance? If you didn't get that joke, you are too young to be my friend. :)